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This worksheet is for use with the Hilbert Curve Generator activity (
Koch's Snowflake (Activity)
Step through the generation of the Koch Snowflake -- a fractal made from deforming the sides of a triangle, and explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.
This worksheet is for use with the Sierpinski's Triangle activity (
Students work step-by-step through the generation of a different Hilbert-like Curve (a fractal made from deforming a line by bending it), allowing them to explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.
Two Variable Functions (Discussion)
Introduces 2 variable functions as ordered pairs and how to operate perform operations on ordered pairs.
Looks at how irregular fractals can be generated and how they fit into computer graphics.
This worksheet is for use with the Clock Arithmetic activity (
This worksheet is for use with the activity Triple Venn Diagram Shape Sorter (
This worksheet is for use with the activity Fire Assessment (
Introduces students to modular (clock) arithmetic and how modular arithmetic can be used to encode messages using simple shift, multiple and affine ciphers.

a resource from CSERD, a pathway portal of NSDL NSDL CSERD