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Looks at how Pascal's Triangle can be used to generate Sierpinski triangle-like results.
Fraction King (Lesson)
Students and teacher play a game called "Fraction King" to understand the idea of taking fractional parts of whole numbers then use manipulatives and several computer applets to cement the idea.
This worksheet is for use with the lesson Fraction Facts (
Simulate a game where "N" players roll two dice, and the lucky player has an advantage for reaching the finish. Parameters: the number of players, number of trials and length of the race.
Run a simulation to generate results from running the Monty Hall for multiple trials. This is similar to the game show "Let's Make A Deal", where you choose one of N doors in hopes of finding a grand prize behind one of the doors. Parameters: Number of doors, number of trials, staying, or switching between the two remaining doors.
Sort colored shapes into a three circle Venn Diagram.
This worksheet is for use with the Fractal Dimensions activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Koch's Snowflake activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Pattern Generator activity (
This worksheet is for use with the lesson Sets and the Venn Diagram Beginner (

a resource from CSERD, a pathway portal of NSDL NSDL CSERD