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A capstone lesson to allow students to build a working definition of fractal.
This worksheet is for use with the Dice Table activity (
Probability (Lesson)
Students learn about probability by predicting the outcome of planned experiments and playing racing games.
This worksheet is for use with the Slope Slider activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Sierpinski's Triangle activity (
Dice Table (Activity)
Experiment with the outcome distribution for a roll of two dice by simulating a dice throwing game. Parameters: Which player wins with which total rolled.
This worksheet is for use with the lesson Solving Equations (
Computing exact probabilities for the Racing Game leads to the formula for the probability of simultaneous events.
Outlines the approach to playing the chaos game and how it relates to geometric fractals.
Introduces conditional probability and the probability of simultaneous events.

a resource from CSERD, a pathway portal of NSDL NSDL CSERD