

Mentor Center Application

Shodor > Forms > Mentor Center Application

Please read the following before proceeding with the intern application:

As a nationally recognized non-profit, Shodor strives to improve math and science education through the effective use of modeling and simulation technologies - "computational science".

Shodor works to ensure that students are prepared to enter into computationally intensive scientific research fields through appropriate mentoring by active scientists, educators and professionals. Interns will be tasked with developing computational science resources and curriculum, editing current curriculum and website content, teaching offsite and summer workshops, and a variety of other related tasks. As interns, students will contribute their skills toward developing educational materials that will then be launched on Shodor's websites and used by educators and students as tools to improve math and science education. In addition, interns often teach off-site workshops for local organizations to utilize the tools they have helped to develop.

Shodor is seeking students passionate about education, computational science, and engineering. Previous knowledge in computational modeling tools, programming languages, and web design is preferred. Shodor is also seeking education majors with experience in developing lesson plans, knowledge of different teaching philosophies, and experience in the classroom.

(Please note that items marked with a red star are required. Those items not marked with a red star are optional. Your choice not to provide optional information will not affect your application standing.)

First Name:
Last Name:
How did you hear about this program?
When are you available to work?
Permanent Address
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Local Address (if different from permanent address)
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
If you're not a U.S. citizen, state your country, citizenship, and type of visa you hold.
Please check all skills that apply:
School Information
Name of School:
Zip Code:
Year in school:
Teacher/Academic Reference Name:
Teacher/Academic Reference Phone Number:
What are your future plans for study or work? (Please indicate by selecting from the following)
Subject areas that you have studied (check all that apply)
Subject areas that you would like to study (check all that apply)
List the science and mathematics courses/experiences which you have most enjoyed.
Describe how you've spent your last two summers.
Write a short essay (2-3 paragraphs) describing your interest in science, your career goals. Include a discussion of any research or science fair projects in which you have participated as a student.
How familiar are you with the term "computational science"? What does it mean to you?
Please describe your interest in teaching. Why is it important to you?
How can this program benefit you?
How can you benefit this program?
Please review this application and certify that all of the above statements are true:
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