Uncontrolled Tipping
Uncontrolled Tipping (UT) is the motion created by a single force acting at a distance from the center of resistance (CR) of a tooth.
The same is true for a single force acting on a tooth.
Recall that UT has two (2) components Ð translation and rotation.
Controlled Tipping
Controlled Tipping (CT) is the motion of a tooth that has a force applied at a distance from the center of resistance (CR) and has a counterbalancing couple (CBC) to regulate the rotation of the tooth.
The same is true for teeth.
CBC allows you to control tipping in three ways:
When CBC's moment < F's moment...
When CBC's moment = F's moment, translation results! For example...
When CBC's moment > F's moment...
Last Update: August 18,1998
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