Moments are the rotation caused by a force acting at a distance from the center of resistance (CR). A moment is defined by the following equation:
Moment (M) = Force (F) x Distance(D) from CR
Since Fa and Fb are acting at a distance from CR, both forces create a moment.
Which of the following forces does not have a moment?
Fc, because Mc = Fc X 0 = 0
Given: F = 10g
D = 10mm
What is M?
Answer is 100g-mm
Moments can also be created by couples. To calculate the moment of a couple, use the following equation:
Moment (M) = Magnitude of a force (F) x Distance (D) between the two forces
Given: F = 10g
D = 5mm
What is M?
Answer is M = 10g X 5mm = 50g-mm
A couple always causes rotation around CR, regardless of where the couple is placed on the object.
Last Update: August 20,1998
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