Employees and Interns

Kent Robertson

Kent Robertson received a BA in Education from Glenville State College with teaching certifications in: 8-12 Mathematics, 8-12 Science. He taught in private and public high schools in the Charlottesville, Virginia area for 10 years. Because of his undergraduate work in the mental health field he was frequently given the challenge of working with the school's behaviorally emotionally disabled student.

His wife, the county's hearing impaired teacher, found the job of her dreams at the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf (ENCSD). Needless to say Kent followed his wife to North Carolina and became the high school science teacher at ENCSD. While teaching at ENCSD, he embraced the challenge of learning sign language through immersion in the deaf culture.

Kent discovered computational science at one of Shodor's workshops. He fell in love with the computational science approach to science instruction. While continuing to teach at ENCSD he was able to join the SUCCEED-HI team. As a member of the SUCCEED-HI team he developed computational science lessons for deaf students. The challenge in SUCCEED-HI was finding enough time to create the endless list of models and lessons he continually dreamt of. In the summer of 2002 he was able to join the staff of Shodor full time as the content manager for SUCCEED-HI.

After hours Kent can be found outside playing in the garden; hiking in the woods, mountains or our beautiful Carolina swamps.

You can contact Kent at:

The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.
923 Broad Street Suite 100
Durham, NC 27705

(919) 286-1911 (voice/TDD)
(919) 286-7876 (fax)


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Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2002 11:47:43 EST
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