Thomas M. DietzHis original duty with the Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. was working alongside Joseph South on the completion of this web site. The web site project, begun by Daniel Davenport, was a comprehensive attempt to develop an efficent and attractive site to replace the oringial website that had been in service since the Foundation was founded. This new web site attempts to utilize the finest techniques in web design while still providing a page that is attractive and easily-acsessable regardless of the web browser or modem speed. Thomas currently works on graphics design and web-page publishing for the various projects Shodor is currently engaged in. Thomas also helps work on project SUCCEED and has developed a variety of web-based turotorials for the Internet Explorers Club. Thomas' hobbies include ice skating, in-line skating, and anything having to do with hockey in addition to a variety of academic interests. He is an active member in The Knights of Columbus and was responsible for the design of that web site also. Visit Thomas M. Dietz's home page. You can contact Thomas at: [ Employees and Interns Home ] [ Home | Foundation Info | Index ] [ What is Shodor? | Activities | Awards & Achievements ] [ Board of Directors | Contact Info | Sponsors | Media Coverage | Annual Report ] Please direct questions and comments about this page to © Copyright 1998 The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. |